Infrared Sauna Treatments and Light Therapy

The infrared sauna is the gift of the sun without the damaging ultraviolet rays. Infrared radiation warms its object without warming the air around the subject. This is the same technology of the sun. The suns rays are 80% infrared. Thus, your treatment experience is extremely effective, comfortable and dry compared to traditional saunas. Plus, the FDA has approved saunas as a therapeutic device.

What are the health benefits of our infrared saunas?

• Assists weight loss: In 30 minutes of exercise by walking you burn around 180 calories and using a rowing machine you can burn up to 300 calories. In a single infrared session (depending on your surface area) you can burn between 300 and 600 calories. Infrared increases blood flow, challenges temperature regulation, conditions the thyroid and increases perspiration all resulting in burning calories and in boosting metabolism. Further, the 1.5 to 3 inches of heat penetration as compared to 1/3 inch penetration of an old fashion sauna, softens cellulite and increases the flushing of fat from the body.

• Detoxification:
 According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), toxic chemicals are the worst environmental problem in the nation, responsible for up to 80% of cancer deaths. Infrared saunas are the most effective way to release unhealthy toxins like chemicals and heavy metals (e.g., mercury) from the body through perspiration because of the direct heating process of infrared (1.5 to 3 inches deep). Also infrared assists the release from fat cells are organic chemicals (food additives and solvents) and biological toxins (fungi and bacteria). Medical studies demonstrate that most toxins can be eliminated through the skin, relieving the burden on the kidneys and liver.

• Skin rejuvenation:
 Infrared saunas slowly restore elimination through the skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body and a major elimination channel. In most people, their skin is primarily inactive as a detoxifying channel due to being congested and overwhelmed with the toxic effects of issues like ultraviolet sun exposure, use of synthetic clothing, bathing in chlorinated water and exposure to hundreds of chemicals which damage the skin. Further, excessive sympathetic nervous system activity (e.g., physical exercise) and emotions such as fear, anger and guilt cause blood to be withdrawn from the skin, contributing to inactivity of the skin. Infrared induced sweating which opens clogged pores improving skin tone and texture while reducing breakouts and acne resulting in the beautification and overall healthiness of the skin.

• Exercise benefits:
 Saunas provide many of the benefits of exercise with much less expenditure of energy. These include enhanced circulation and oxidation of the tissues. Repeated sauna use can lower elevated blood pressure and improve the elasticity of the arteries. Saunas are very helpful for cardiovascular rehabilitation, arthritis, allergies, and many other conditions.

• Pain Relief:
 Along with the relaxing heat, the far infrared light penetrates deep into the tissues and organs, reducing swelling and inflammation which help the body heal in a safe, relaxing and non-invasive way. Further, the infrared heat reduces the stress response which results in less painful clinching around pain.

• Decongesting the internal organs:
 Heating the body powerfully shunts blood toward the skin to dissipate heat. This decongests the internal organs and greatly stimulates circulation. Sinuses, joints and many other tissues benefit greatly. The sauna also stimulates the generation of new red-blood cells from the bone marrow (an important energy booster), especially for those whose immune systems are weak or who are anemic. Thus, saunas improve circulation and relieve internal congestion.

• Boosts Metabolism:
 Radiation and other toxins often affect the thyroid and adrenal glands resulting in a slow metabolic rate. This condition affects over 90% of adults and causes fatigue, impaired carbohydrate tolerance, food cravings, allergies, obesity, elevated cholesterol, learning disability, chronic infections and other conditions. A low body temperature impairs sweating. This hinders elimination and interferes with tissue regeneration. Supporting sluggish thyroid and adrenal glands help, but is often not enough. By heating the body, saunas activate and enhance many metabolic processes and boost energy.

• An Anti-aging Therapy:
 Metabolism slows as one grows older. Many older people exercise less over time. As a result, sweating occurs less often, impairing elimination of toxins and increasing the risk of major diseases. Since sauna therapy helps reverse all these conditions, it is a prime anti-aging and stress reduction therapy.

• Enhanced Immune system:
 Raising body temperature through the use of the infrared sauna can powerfully assist the body to kill bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. This is the essence of fever therapy (hyperthermia) for infections. Many people have a low body temperature and, for this reason, cannot get rid of chronic infections. Common sites of infections are the sinuses, ears, eyes, bladder, throat and intestines.

• Cancer Treatment:
 While we do not purport to treat cancer with our infrared sauna, it is worth noting that research supports that tumors, radiation poisoning and mutated cells can all be issues assisted for those using infrared sauna treatments. Inducing increased body temperature or Hyperthermia also helps kill other types of abnormal cells. Tumors, for example, tolerate heat poorly. Raising body temperature hastens their death. Though not a conventional method, hyperthermia is a well-researched therapy for cancer. Heat also disables or kills cells mutated by radiation or damaged by other toxins.

Light Therapy (Chromotherapy)

Chromotherapy, also called color therapy or light treatments, is the use of color and light to gently bring about homeostasis. Color and light is applied to specific areas and accupoints on the body. (Source: Institute For Chromotherapy)

“The earth, the oceans, in fact every living thing, is dependent upon light for its very existence. A recent scientific study disclosed that each cell in the body emits light. We live in a sea of energy and our bodies are composed of energy. Color works through and in us, in every nerve, cell, gland and muscle. Within our body, our organs, muscles, cells and nerves all have a level of vibration. When our body becomes out of balance, disease occurs. Each color has its own frequency and vibration. Through extensive research, we know that color and light will help bring our physical and emotional systems into balance.” (A. Cammilleri, Trainer)

At Green Wave, our West Coast Sauna uses seven different types of light that can be focused on a concern area or rotated throughout your session:

  • Orange: Orange is warm, cheering, and non-constricting. It stimulates creative thinking and enthusiasm.
  • Yellow: Yellow helps strengthen the nerves and the mind.
  • Green: Green is the color of Nature and the earth. Green affects blood pressure and all conditions of the heart.
  • Turquoise: Increases intuition and sensitivity. Works to disinfect or as an antiseptic. Tones the general system, builds the skin and relaxes sensations of stress.
  • Blue: Blue is cooling; electric, astringent The Blue Ray is one of the greatest antiseptics in the world.” Cools down inflammations (don’t forget rheumatic inflammations), fevers, high blood pressure, stops bleedings, relieves the bursting headaches, calms strong emotions like anger, aggression or hysteria.
  • Purple: Purple is a color of transformation. This color slows down an over-active heart, stimulates the spleen and the white blood cells (aids immunity).
  • Red: Brings warmth, energy and stimulation making this color good for energy, fatigue, colds, chilliness and strengthens passive people. Red energizes heart and blood circulation, it builds up the blood and heightens a low blood pressure. It energizes all organs and the senses.

Sauna therapy combined with Light Treatments is a powerful yet safe healing modality. With just a single session, relaxing healing begins. Schedule your initial appointment online or by phone. Call (850) 215-5657!

* Disclaimer: The material presented here is for educational purposes only. We only report not make medical claims for infrared sauna and light therapy. Always consult your doctor or other practitioner before changing any medical treatment designs.